Senin, 28 Februari 2011


hey i'll tell you about my group. our group name's MAMENHCREW. the membership are :

  • valerie irene patricia
  • aura rinjani
  • yosefine brynadova nugroho
  • magda aprida
  • rara kirana
  • maria estephanie
  • keirstin mauli
  • hana
mamenhcrew stood since september 2010. who founded's aura rinjani. 

okay this is our member :



but i don't know who's hana

. follow our membership:

  • irene : @valerieirenee
  • aura : @aurarinjani
  • dova : @dovapiglet
  • mags : @magsmagsky
  • rara : @rarawraw
  • anie : @aniecookie15
  • kei : @keirstinkei
  • hana : @hanamitsuO
. add our facebook:
  • irene : valerie irene patricia
  • aura : aura rinjani
  • dova : dova nugroho
  • mags : magda aprida
  • rara : rara kirana
  • anie : maria estephanie
  • kei : keirstin mauli
  • hana : hanamitsuki okubo
thankyouuuu XOXO

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011


hey i want to flash back the time. i hope BGRS read this :)
okay this story when i'm in grade five. we make a gank. the name's BGRS. the members're annisha chika paramitha, maya puspita, ervia rahmayani, and me. when we're in gank, we have enemy. they're aldi cs. their gank member're toni,nanda,aldi,ka rahmatika & tasya. LOL sebenernya ini bukan geng beneran. tapi just a group. we had a headquaters, and aldi cs had a hadquarters too. okay, we often fight in school hall. one day we called into the staff room because we're fughting. dan pas disini itu udah panik banget. apalagi ada anceman dipanggil orang tuanya. pas kelas 6 aldi cs lulus & BGRS naik kelas. BGRS at rest it for a while because the BGRS's members must learn to UASBN



Waktu baru jadian pasti lo malu kalo sering ngomong "i love you" atau "miss you" takut dibilang pacaran napsu banget sih. Eh pas lama pacaran mungkin lo ngerasa kata kata i love you tuh udah basi. Soalnya dia pasti udah tau banget isi hati lo. Yang penting you'll be there for him. And he be there for you ☺. Kalo menurut gue sendiri ya, katakata i love you tuh ga bisa di gantiin sama barang semahal apapun. Tanpa 3 kata itu I LOVE YOU motivasi lo bakal jadi tanda tanya \('-'\)(/'-')/ i love you bukan ucapan yang ga ada matinya & gaada batasnya. Pacar lo juga jadi tau kalo di dunia ini tuh dia ga sendiri. Kadang ngedengernya kita kan risih. Itu karna kita tumbuh besar & gakebiasa ngedenger kata2 itu. Kalo lo ga ke biasa ngucapinnya, mendingan lo biasain sekarang juga. Biar kita tuh bisa nunjukin ke orang yg kita sayang kalo kita sayang sama dia ☺



Eeyore is a favorite amongst most admirers of Winnie the Pooh characters and he is an unbelievably loveable donkey who is dismally gloomy for almost eternity. But that’s not Eeyore’s perception of himself, according to him; he doesn’t expect too much of himself and therefore remains quiet for most of the time. That in no ways means he isn’t an intelligent animal, he is actually quite knowledgeable yet he confines his knowledge to himself. This is the reason why he is very quiet most of the time and a bit depressed. Eeyore, a very gloomy, blue-gray donkey, is stuffed with sawdust. His appearance is highlighted by a small light pink bow on his tail; this reflects well on this animal when there is an occasional hint of joy that surfaces in Eeyore.Eeyore has very little expectations from his friends and therefore wherever there is an occasion where his friends gather around his to help him, his thoughts of receiving the worst are dismissed and he has a feeling of being grateful to them. Eeyore’s biggest problem is when his tail falls off and that happens frequently (he has lost it many times). And this is where his friends help him the most and amongst all friends Christopher Robin is the one who mostly undertakes the job of fixing Eeyore’s tail. Christopher uses a drawing pin to reattach the tail. Owl once mistook Eeyore’s tail for being a bell-pull. He shall often pretend that he is helping his friends in their time of need because he has nothing better to do but that in no way means he is unwilling to help, Eeyore is always ready to lend a helping hand to his friends.Eeyore is a donkey who is about 18 inches in height and 27 inches in length. Eeyore resides in the southeast corner of the 100 Acre Wood, an area marked as "Eeyore's Gloomy Place: Rather Boggy and Sad" presented in the book’s map area. His favourite food is thistles. Amongst his other preferences are pots and red balloons. Eeyore’s birthday fall on the 10th of May, 1871 which the date when he was made.Eeyore loves being remembered on his birthday and likes to blow the cake while his other friends join him in the celebration whereas be dislikes being bounced, he is not fond of swimming and dislikes broken thistles. His other concern is that his house keeps falling down (he has to rebuild it again, and again, and again.....). Pooh and Piglet built Eeyore’s house using sticks located at the House at Pooh corner as they mistaking assumed that the original house that Eeyore built for a pile of sticks.
Eeyore has a poor opinion of the other animals living in the 100 Acre Wood, according to Eeyore the other animals have “No brain at all, some of them”, “only grey fluff that’s blown into their heads by mistake”. Eeyore’s opinion is taken from The House at Pooh Corner, chapter 1.Wright provided the voice for Eeyore for the Disney Winnie the Pooh movies. His current voice is voice actor Peter Cullen. In the cartoons, Eeyore is quite often depicted as a burden carrying animal; he was ridden by Rabbit while looking for train ‘borrowers’ in The Pooh With A Name and The Tigger Without A Name. In almost each of the Disney cartoons Eeyore’s house has been bounced down. The woozles are the ones to do this act and its all the more sad things for Eeyore as he is not well acquainted with rebuilding houses.It is well known that Eeyore has a depressive nature and he is always gloomy, but he is also a compassionate animal. This is shown when Eeyore is able to grow a plant which Rabbit, a much respected gardener is unable to grow. Eeyore achieves this by giving the plant some of his love.Because Eeyore is made of sawdust, thus when he lost his tail in the 100 Acre Wood, Owl found it and began using it as bell-pull outside his door. Then Winnie the Pooh found it and ultimately Christopher Robin pins it onto his back, much to his delight that he has his lost tail fixed. Eeyore will often enquire that if his tail has been properly fixed and at the right point.

dream quotes

  • Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?      -alfred lord tennyson
  • Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions     -edgar cayce
  • Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.     -edgar allan poe
  • All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them    -walt disney
  • All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible    -william faulkner 
  • All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible   -T.E. Lawrence
MORE QUOTES? open this thankyou :) 

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

i'll give my thanks just for:

Thanks to :
♥allah: i trust allah and iknow allah can help me to handle my problem
♥my mom: who's cook for my fams and keep me in home
♥my dad: who's find money for my family
♥my sister(marwah): who's become my friends in my home
♥mamenhcrew: irene, dova, orin, rara, anie, kei, hana. they're my best friend :*
♥fatika,vera,kak irwan,shehan,laras: they're support me when i'm in trouble with my boyfriend
♥selly,arum,awi,lala,syakir,mahfuzh,panji,manda: they're my beloved classmates, we're 82CO guys
♥azkha: he's my bestbest brother ☺
♥richie: hihi he's my little brother ☺
♥resa: he's my EX and i love him
♥pingkan,chika,maya,abie,rafif,faiz,via,vinny: my best friends in the world
♥adisti&rizka: wohoo, they always hit my bottom-_-
♥tyo: my friend who always mocking me-_-

Thanks for the world, YOU MAKE ME SMILE ☺



Starts by making sure we're loving ourselves first. try this:

1. Just be ourselves, and don't try to pretend to be someone else. selalu berusaga untuk mengembangkan kelebihan kita & memperbaiki kekurangan kita dengan cara yang positive, but never put too much pressure on ourselves or we can be stressful!
2. Saat menghadapi masalah, coba untuk berpikir positif. Soalnya kalo kita berpikir negatif, bakal susah buat cari solusi karna ngerasa terbebani sama pikiran negative tersebut.
3. Melakukan kesalahan? Its so normal! Jangan nganggep itu gagal total. Inget kalo kita punya kesempatan lain. Just learn from our mistakes, and then show them we can do better. Nobodys perfect guys.
4. Make time for ourselves. Kadang kita terlalu sibuk mengatur waktu untuk diri sendiri. Padahal menghabiskan waktu sendiri sambil melakukan hal-hal yang kita suka itu efeknya kita jd seneng paraaah! Walaupun cuma bentar.
5. Berhenti memaksakan diri melakukan sesuatu yg ga semestinya kita lakukan. If we dream, we should try to achieve it, not do anything else that keeps us far from it.
6. Dekatkan diri dgn org2 yg memberi dorongan positif untuk diri kita. Drpd pusing mendengarkan kritik pedas orang yang cuma ingin menjatuhkan mental, lebih baik mendengarkan kritik yg bersifat membangun

Heyyyy reader ☺
Let's learn some love for our future happiness
Gue sadar banget kalo kita semua pasti pengen bgt disukain sama banyak orang. Kita minta orang follow back di twitter biar followers kita nambah. Lo semua pasti juga suka bentuk self-image yang baik dimata orang lain. Its so normal guys, kalo kita pengen disukain di lingkungan kita, bukan berarti kita narsis juga kaliii...kalo kita pengen jd deh future leader ngga mungkin orang seneng kalo dipimpin sama org yg nyebelin. Kalo menurut gue sendiri ya, being loveable & disukain bnyk orang itu nggak cuma bikin kita gampang dapet dukungan dr orang lain saat kita butuh mereka. We'll have people around us to share our happiness with. Isn't that lovely?
Kalo lo pengen semua itu kenyataan, we have to make some efforts. The RIGHT effores. Orang kan galangsung suka sama kita cuma gara2 kita stylish, pinter atau gaul kan? Kita juga harus baik be a loveable person.


Selasa, 22 Februari 2011


★Singers aren't supposed to have dairy before a show, but we all I'm a rule breaker
★now I'm really glad that I speak french, because, let's face it, girls dig it when a guy speak french. They call it the language of love, and that ain't no coincidence. Plus, I love my french fans. Tre's jolie
★i got up there and sang my little eighth-grade but off, thinking this was possibly the greatest moment of my entire life. Of anyone's life better than hockey, better than starwars, better than grandma's turkey and gravy
★nothing ever got my pulse racing (in a good way) like hockey. Nothing except beyonce. But that wasn't until I was twelve or so. Then all of sudden, it was like I opened my eyes one day and noticed that the world is full of beautiful girls. And I've had a hard time thinking about anything else ever since
★i couldn't belive things were finally coming together. I was almost afraid to believe it. The only thing I can compare it to is when I bungee jumped off a bridge in new zealand not long ago. It was a long journey to get there. But, at the last minute, there I was standing there. Ready, I had no idea what this was going to be like. But I knew it was going to be awesome
★my foot was broken. In the middle of a song in front of twelve thousand people. And taylor swift. I won't tell you the words that went through my head

classmet 98

this is when we're in grade 7th. when classmet in 98JHS. this is my classmates. from left to right: purinda, maya, adin, vero, yola, ai, tasha, lita, mags, laily, vera, sasa, fatika, novia, yama. and in the top side: emir, rizkyM, baso, azkha, kuncoro, richie, akbar, bariqi, indra, zahran, hafidz, haikal & gerry. 

okay this is novia, mags, yola, vero, adin, ai, sasa, vera
LOL this is lita on her aib :D peaceeee

our saloning timeeee YEEY

its fun-day!!!!!! today me & my mom creambathing time in my home. first, we was prepared equipment for creambath. second, we was prepared equipment for made a mask. it's honey and avocado + 4 slice of cucumber. feel happy? yes right now. hmm after we prepared equipment for creambath, we sitted on lounge chair. after that, we washed our hair. than, we smeared the cream bath into our hair. yeah wait for 15minutes. after wait for 15minutes, we washed our hair till clean. after 30min, we made potions for mask. than, we put the mixture in a bowl. and we put in our face. we wait til 30minutes, and we wash our face. finally this is the end of our saloning time :D


want to know about me? READ THIS

hello i'm magda, you can call me mags i was born on 27 april 1997. now, i live in jakarta. i want to be myself and i won't to be somebody. btw...i want to be a photographer or an architech.
i wish, sometime i can be a famous photographer. if i get much money...america & france i'll cameeeeeee. my favorite movies're harry potter & shop a hollics. more than 15time for shop a hollics. i  pink & blue. myfaveidol're JUSTIN BIEBER & CODY SIMPSON. i love them cause they're COOL. my favorite idol in the world is my mom & mybestfriends. my mom is my superhero in my house, she always support me if i down and i lazy to study. mybestfriends always support me when i'm in trouble w/ my boyf and another friends. 

it's domo

Domo, the main character, is described as "a strange creature that hatched from an egg,with a large, sawtoothed mouth that is locked wide open. Domo's favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew, and he has a strong dislike for apples, because of an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo can only communicate by producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name, but other characters appear to understand him. Domo is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset.Tokyopop press release of the Domo comic book states that "he communicates sotto voce with a verve that only his friends can understand." Clint Bickham, the writer of the Domo comic book, said that to him Domo's expression is "a sort of cheery wonderment. Like when a kid wakes to a room full of presents on Christmas day." While Domo's face has variants, to Bickham most of his expressions have "an underlying sense of fascination."

Domo lives in an underground cave with Mr. Usaji,known in Japanese-language versions as Usajii, a portmanteau of the words usagi, (rabbit), and jii  (old man, grandpa). Mr. Usaji is a wise old rabbit who has lived in a cave for decades, loves to watch television and drink astringent green tea. Mr. Usaji is not into any "new" materials, and does not own a telephone.In terms of fashion, Mr. Usaji focuses on materials instead of shapes. Mr. Usaji's favorite food is carrots, and his least favorite food is "something that is meaningless."

the time

I've had the time of my life 

And I've never felt this way before 
And I swear this is true 
And I owe it all to you 
I've had the time of my life 
And I've never felt this way before 
And I swear this is true 
And I owe it all to you 
Dirty bit 
Dirty bit 
I-I came up in here to rock 
Light a fire, make it hot 
I don't wanna take no pictures 
I just wanna take some shots 
So come on, let's go 
Let's lose control 
Let's do it all night 
'Til we can't do it no mo' 
People rockin' to the sound 
Turn it up and watch it pound 
We gon' rock it to the top 
Until the roof come burnin' down 
Yeah, it's hot in herrre 
The temperaturrre 
Has got these ladies 
Gettin' freakierrr 
I got freaky, freaky, baby 
I was chillin' with my ladies 
I didn't come to get bougie 
I came here to get crazy 
I was born to get wiiild 
That's my styyyle 
If you didn't know that 
Well, baby, now you know now 
'Cause I'm! 
A good! Time! 
With you! 
I'm tellin' you 
I've had the time of my life 
And I've never felt this way before 
And I swear this is true 
And I owe it all to you 
I've had the time of my life 
And I've never felt this way before 
And I swear this is true 
And I owe it all to you 
Dirty bit 
Dirty bit 
All-all these girls, they like my swagger 
They callin' me Mick Jagger 
I be rollin' like a Stone 
Jet-setter, jet-lagger 
We ain't messin' with no maggots 
Messin' with the baddest 
Chicks in the club 
Honey, what's up? 
Mirror, mirror on the wall 
Who's the baddest of them all? 
Yeah, it's gotta be the apl 
I'm the mack daddy, y'all 
Haters better step back 
Ladies (don't load your act) 
I'm the party application 
Rockin' just like that 
'Cause I'm! 
I-I-I-I've had 
The time of my li-i-ife 
And I've never felt this way before-fore 
And I swear-wear 
This is tru-u-ue 
And I owe it all to you-ou 
Oh, I-I-I-I've had 
The time of my li-i-i-ow 
And I've never felt this way before-fore 
And I swear-wear 
This is tru-u-ue 
And I owe it all to you-ou 
I-I-I-I've had 
The time of my li-i-ife 
And I've never felt this way before-fore 
And I swear-wear 
This is tru-u-ue 
And I owe it all to you-ou 
Oh, I-I-I-I've had 
The time of my li-i-i-ow 
And I've never felt this way before-fore 
And I swear-wear 
This is tru-u-ue 
And I owe it all to you-ou 
Dirty bit.